Whether we like it or not, we are all different. Our differences are what makes us individuals, what makes us who we are. I've notices this about myself and I know I'm not the only one but girls have a tendency to compare themselves to other girls. Walking the streets, watching TV, or scrolling through your newsfeed on Facebook; we might say "Ugh she's so skinny I wish I looked like her". The reality is that someone is probably looking at your photos and saying the same thing. We all, myself included, need to work on accepting ourselves. This blog is a constant reminder to beYOUtiful. The world is fast becoming obsessed with this 'ideal' beauty; yet who's to say one beauty is more genuine than another. Franklin Roosevelt said it perfectly, "Comparison is the thief of joy". This doesn't just apply to looks and how you feel about yourself but also to every aspect of life. There are going to be people with better jobs than us, more money, bigger homes, maybe even a seemingly better relationship than yours; but what does all that matter? Their life is not your life. If we are constantly focusing on the fact that we want to be prettier and wealthier and more successful than we will never find true happiness. There is good and bad in everyone's life including our own; and just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Yes, New Year's Eve was five months ago but I feel that I should share one of my resolutions that ties perfectly into today's post.
Stop comparing yourself to others
Be who YOU are and love that way YOU look. Live YOUR life and not on the lives of others.
Once you take the time to focus your attention on yourself and your life you will see the beauty and be truly grateful and filled with joy.
with love,