Monday, February 3, 2014

Mantra Monday

One of the difficult tasks of blogging while also working and going to school is planning great outfits for days that I can actually get photographed wearing them. My best friend Sarah is my go-to camera girl, so we always try to make our schedules align to allow for some blogging time. It's not that I don't always dress fashionable, but some days I just have to throw on the leggings and sneakers. I saw this photo a few days back and totally related with it. It's true; I definitely have that irrational fear of wasting a good outfit on an insignificant day. Sometimes I'll wake up with this great outfit idea in my head, I'll put it on and then the day will suck. The only good thing is that I can always just wear that same outfit another day. Good outfits should not just be for significant days. Maybe the significance of the day is wearing a great outfit that makes you feel good about yourself. 

Put on a good outfit and make today a significant day;

with love,

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