I'll admit it; I have the horrible tendency to compare myself to people. And, tell me if I'm wrong, but we all do it. In a world that pretty much revolves around social media, it has become all about how many like you can get. For some unknown reason it's like a competition. We post pictures to see how many likes we can get and the sad thing is we (or at least I) feel better about yourself depending on that number. And then comes the fun part... Thinking: oh she's pretty than me, skinnier than me, and on and on and on. I do this all the time and as much as a try not to I will probably always do it but I've learned one thing; that everyone is different. Between myself and you and every other female in the world, everyone has a different body type. Just because her legs look skinnier than mine doesn't mean anything. Maybe she is just taller than me and has a different body structure. The same characteristics and aspects you admire and envy of a person could be the same ones they dislike about themselves. Everyone is unique in their own way. We all have things we love and hate about ourselves but in the end that is what makes us all beautiful. Rather than comparing yourself to others, because you are not them and will never be them; compare yourself to the past you. Look back to see how you've grown, matured and changed. You can only be yourself so aim to be the best possible you.
with love,