Monday, July 15, 2013

Mantra Monday

Photo courtesy of Free People

When life gets you down, salt water is the cure for anything. The past fews days my family has been at my house from out of state; and while I'm so happy that they're here, my anxiety is through the roof. There's just something about not being able to sleep in your own bed that makes you feel a little off. I've also in the past few days experienced the wonderful effects of salt water. The heat has been killer but running is so important for overall health and well-being that no matter my mood I've been running everyday. You'd be surprised how great you can feel after a run; even if you're drenched in sweat. And then there are tears. It happens to all of us; whether at the end of The Notebook or when you're super stressed. Tears may make our eyes puffy and ruin our makeup but there is something so refreshing to just let it out and cry a bit. Lastly, there is my favorite form of salt water; the sea. One of the greatest pleasures of living on Long Island and the best way to spend a summer day. Yesterday I went to the Hampton's, where the water was cold and the sun was shining bright. Any anxiety I had was washed away by the waves; it was the most perfect day. I may not know who Isak Dinesen is, but she is right... "The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears and the sea."

with love,

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