Monday, April 29, 2013

Mantra Monday

If you're reading this then you should already know the name of my blog, beYOUtiful, be loved. The love I'm referring to is not the love from someone else; not your parents, your friends and not the love from a significant other. The love we all want and need is from ourselves. This quote by Thich Nhat Hanh is literally the perfect example and mantra to live by. I personally find myself consumed in trying to be like everyone else and always comparing myself to others, but there is no self-love in that. Everyone is different. What you like about someone, they might hate about themselves and vice versa. As hard as it may be for some, and as easy as it might be for others, we all need to love ourselves for who we are. You are each individually beautiful, on the inside and out. Once you accept that, then love will surround you. Life is too short not to be exactly who you are and love every second of it.

with love,

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